I’m in a good mood today. In the nine months since it was published, The Last Noah has gained three four-star and five five-star reviews. All of these were from people I’d never heard of before. The latest one was posted on amazon.com today. Yes, it took a fair bit of my time to get there, but these reviews were free, fair, and unbiased. I’ve summarised them below. Mind you, as with all self-published authors, I could always do with more…
“A Fun book; good read, interesting characters and plot”. *****
“A good mystery SiFi with a conspiracy tone running through out the story.” ****
“Nice easy read with several interesting twists along the way. Good sci-fi but not too heavy with it. A bit of something for everyone!” *****
“Interesting plotline with masterful twists and turns that are tied up in a nice bow at the end.” ****
“A unique take on the sci-fi genre which throws questions at you from the word ‘go’ ” ****
“The suspense is gripping” *****
“The Last Noah is a fine addition to anyone’s book collection who loves a good space adventure! And to add to the intrigue of this mysterious outer space tale, be prepared for a final twist to the story that will make your mouth drop open with amazement!” *****