The Last Noah

In space, nobody is watching your reality. Or are they? 

Robin and Miranda go to bed in their separate rooms but wake up somewhere else. Somewhere that is alien and way outside their comfort zone. However, as they discover more about their new surroundings and have several unusual and action-packed adventures, they begin to suspect that all may not be as it first seemed. As the days progress, their passion for each other grows as their relationship develops emotionally and physically. However, is someone or something watching them? Why do they keep discovering things that don’t feel right? And what’s the story behind the various androids who they meet during their adventures?

Follow the mysterious adventures of our two unwilling space travellers, and discover what is really going on...

As well as being a fast-moving science fiction action and adventure novel, this book touches on several social topics. Covert surveillance; humanity’s journey after the extinction of Earth; how Artificial Intelligence might develop; and whether humans would, one day, upload their minds into robots and, if so, what sort of society might result?


These are just some of the reviews that The Last Noah has had so far. You can see a more comprehensive list of reviews on my Amazon sales page, including the not-so-good ones - you can't please all of the people all of the time! (Note: Amazon doesn't always show you all the reviews so far. What you see depends on your national location; I don't know why Amazon do that).

Cuff has paid an enormous amount of attention to detail in his story telling. As the tale unfolds the descriptions of technology, alien worlds, space stations, androids and all that is encountered by the traveling duo is described down to the smallest detail. This wonderful ability to relate the story so finely by Cuff adds immense enjoyment to the overall reading experience! The Last Noah is a fine addition to anyone's book collection who loves a good space adventure! And to add to the intrigue of this mysterious outer space tale, be prepared for a final twist to the story that will make your mouth drop open with amazement!
★★★★★  High Society Book Reviews (Christine Davis) on

The Last Noah is the author’s first book, according to the blurb in the back of the novel, and he does a bang-up job of it. I read the entire book in one day, entranced all the way through. The story is one long puzzle, written in a very straightforward way.... As a science fiction novel it is notable more for its suspense than its science but it had a suitable amount of the latter to satisfy those with a technical mind. All in all, I found The Last Noah a really enjoyable read.
★★★★★  Casey Dorman, verified reviewer on

Fun book; Good read, interesting characters and plot.
★★★★★  Stan, verified reviewer on

The Last Noah by David Cuff is a worthy sci-fi novel. Puzzling at times, mysterious and absolutely captivating. I rate it 5 stars and I will look [for] more books of the author.
★★★★★    Jade, GoodReads reviewer.

A good mystery SiFi with a conspiracy tone running through out the story. Hint of a sequel in the last paragraph.
★★★★     Jim, verified reviewer on

Nice easy read with several interesting twists along the way. Good sci-fi but not too heavy with it. A bit of something for everyone!
★★★★★  Kirsty, verified reviewer on

Interesting plotline with masterful twists and turns that are tied up in a nice bow at the end.
★★★★     Sandra's Book Club reviewer on

The Last Noah is a unique take on the sci-fi genre which throws questions at you from the word ‘go’. An unseen presence, consistent and ever-present, drives the story forward with a strong sense of mystery, and a need to know more.
★★★★     Dean, verified reviewer on

I picked up this book not knowing what to expect. I didn't have high hopes because I've read too many sci-fi to be impressed. But this book impressed me. [It] is compelling and the ending was completely unexpected. I'm glad I read it and I advise all the sci fi fans to give it a chance.
★★★★★    Karen, GoodReads reviewer.

Interesting characters! I loved the character development In this book. The plot is also pretty amazing! Well done to the author! I recommend.
★★★★★    Chris, GoodReads reviewer.

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